Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives
This document was adopted by the Global Campus Assembly in February 2021 and articulates our vision for the education of new generations of human rights defenders.
The drafting followed a very inclusive procedure led by the Working Group on the Global Campus Vision chaired by our Vice-President Frans Viljoen, which was established at the GC Assembly in Pretoria in December 2019.
It delineates the organisation's purpose, objectives, institutional framework, membership details, and the composition and mandate of its governing bodies.
The most recent update was in 2023.
The latest version (2020) of our brochure introduces the Global Campus, its education and training programmes, member universities across the world, Alumni associations and career services, capacity-building and outreach initiatives, research projects and publications.
EMA Venice Charter
The so called “Venice Charter” – i.e. the EMA Statute - was signed in 1997 in Venice by the representatives of the ten founding European universities of EMA. It is one of the first examples of joint degrees in the European academic environment in line with the Bologna process and the reform surrounding the ECTS system.
It outlines the aim and objectives of the Master’s Programme in promoting a culture of human rights through teaching and training; defines the rights and duties of the member universities and the composition and tasks of its governing bodies (EMA Council, EMA Executive Committee, EMA Academic Curriculum Group, etc.); it defines the programme’s two-semester structure and many other aspects, including the mobility programme, harmonisation of curricula and assessment.
EMA Joint Degree Agreement
At the initiative of the University of Padua, the coordinator of the EMA programme since 1997, the EMA degree became a true “joint degree”. It is one of the first examples of joint degrees in the European academic environment in line with the Bologna process and the reform surrounding the ECTS system.
The agreement defines the relationship among the seven universities which jointly grant the EMA Degree – the so-called Inner Circle Universities – and regulates the special role of the University of First Enrolment, i.e. the University of Padua.
Organisation, Management and Auditing Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
This document has the following purposes:
- It describes the regulations introduced in the Global Campus pursuant to legislation 231/2001, which provides for direct liability of legal entities, companies and associations for certain crimes committed by their representatives.
- It defines the GC organisational structure
- It adopts the required “Organisation and Management Model” to ensure the uniformity of management as well as prevent the crimes outlined by the decree, articulated in the following points:
- Operations and responsibilities of the member universities
- Definition of the organisation’s scope and activity; laws and methods with which the member universities, the commissions, workgroups and the staff must comply
- Identification of actions which could create an environment within which crimes could be committed and a description of the procedure for the actions intended to prevent such crimes
- Establishment of a disciplinary system with penalties for failure to respect the instructions presented in this document
GC Code of Ethics
The GC code of ethics was approved to ensure full implementation of the aims, values and principles laid down by the GC Statute by all its stakeholders, including its public and private partners, its scientific and academic community (directors, students, teachers, researchers), its staff (both employees and collaborators, trainees).
GC Code of Conduct
The GC Code of Conduct outlines core values of the GC, responsibilities towards its stakeholders, and the interpersonal responsibilities that members of our community bear towards one another and to the institution. Its purpose is to ensure that the GC Headquarters (GCHQ) is a work and study environment in which human rights and democratic values are promoted and observed.
GC Safeguarding and Integrity System: Structures and Processes
The GC Safeguarding and Integrity System is a set of procedures, measures and practices to ensure that the Global Campus upholds its value commitments, protects individuals from harm, and responds to allegations of wrongdoing. Its purpose is to ensure that the values affirmed by the GC Code of Ethics and the GC Code of Conduct are well disseminated, understood and observed; that the Global Campus and its stakeholders uphold their mutual responsibilities; and to ensure allegations of misconduct and violations are managed in a clear and transparent manner.
GC Whistleblowing Procedure
The GC Whistleblowing Procedure describes the operating procedures for handling whistleblowing and any subsequent investigations, following reports of possible offences in violation of the GC Code of Ethics, in line with Legislative Decree 24/2023. The whistleblowing online platform can be accessed here.
GC Gender Equality Plan 2024-26
The GC Gender Equality Plan 2024-26 aims at improving internal regulations and measures to ensure that the principles of gender equality are respected and promoted, to strengthen the inclusion of the gender dimension in research and teaching activities, to prevent and protect against cases of harassment based on gender or sexual orientation and, more generally, to ensure that the GCHQ is an inclusive and safe community and space for everyone.
Environmental Policy
The Global Campus Environmental Policy was adopted by the Global Campus Assembly in February 2021. Inspired by our cooperation with the Right Livelihood foundation, it expresses our understanding of the strong link between human rights and environmental protection. The policy lists our commitments in general terms and the specific areas of education, travel, waste, procurement, water and electricity consumption.
Comunicazione ai sensi Art. 1 Commi 125 - 129 Legge 04.08.17 N.124
In linea con la normativa italiana sui finanziamenti pubblici si pubblica di seguito comunicazione ai sensi Art. 1 Commi 125 - 129 Legge 04.08.17 N.124
Comunicazione ai sensi Art. 14 comma 2 del Codice del Terzo Settore
In linea con la normativa italiana si pubblica di seguito comunicazione ai sensi Art. 14 comma 2 del Codice del Terzo Settore
MoU EIUC - City of Venice
In 2011 EIUC, the GC predecessor, and the City of Venice signed an MoU aimed at providing a robust grounding for the institution. The MoU confirms the provision of the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice-Lido as GC premises, including GC responsibility for their management. It also strengthens the cooperation between the City of Venice and GC in the development of joint activities focusing on human rights and democracy.