Children’s Mental Health: Rights and Perspectives
Course Outline
The course encompasses 5 weeks with approximately 25 hours of active learning. It will have video lectures, self-studied case studies and readings, peer-to-peer learning through discussions and webinars as well as knowledge checks with polls and quizzes, all aimed at developing and reinforcing personal critical reflection. It will focus on examples and current debates from different regions and countries in the world.
Module 1 - Children’s mental health
16 – 22 October 2023
Najat Maalla M'jid -
23 – 29 October 2023
Children’s mental health: a matter of rights
Thobekile Sithole
Anne Filorizzo Pla
Module 2 - Protecting children’s mental health in times of crisis
30 October – 5 November 2023
Facing risks
Elvis Fokala
Amrit Rijal and Kristen Hope
Live webinar with Prof. Philip Jaffé -
6 – 12 November 2023
Ensuring protection
Eshani Ruwanpura and Adriana Rietsema
Marthe Wandou
Module 3 - A rights-based approach to children’s mental health
13 – 19 November 2023
Children’s rights at the centre of solutions
Chiara Servili
Grace Gatera
Mariam Muradyan