Course dates:

3 June - 26 July 2024

Application deadline:

24 May 2024

Enrol by 30 April 2024 to receive a 25% discount!

How to Enrol

In order to ensure the highest level of interaction, the number of participants will be limited to 20. We therefore strongly recommend early registration.

The Global Campus of Human Rights reserves the right to select participants based on their motivation, academic and professional profile, writing sample, proposed topic. We aim to select as diverse and representative a group as possible. Applicants fulfilling the conditions for participation will be accepted on a rolling basis. All details regarding our cancellation policy can be found here.

The full application, including motivation and CV, has to be submitted in English.

For any problem concerning your submission, please contact the E-Learning Department:

The Global Campus holds the right to use pictures and videos of the participants taken during the online course for its own communication and marketing purposes unless disagreement with this policy is expressed by a participant concerned.

General Information:

All fields with asterisk (*) are mandatory

Background and motivation:*

In less than 200 words, share a bit about your background (personal and professional), and why this leads you to want to be a part of the Authoring Justice course community.

Short writing sample:*

Submit here a writing sample of something that you have written in the past, or are writing now, that you are most proud of. This could be an article, op-ed, personal piece, book, or anything else (max 150 words).

Topic of Interest:*

If you’re selected, what general topic do you think you might write your Capstone Project (~2,000-word piece) about? [Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Social Justice, Racial Justice, Other (please explain)]




Invoice Details:



Note: We prohibit discrimination of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or any other status. Your answers to these demographic questions (age, gender, race/ethnicity, nationality...) are kept separate from the rest of the application. They are meant only for reporting and analysis purposes in aggregate, not for looking at one person’s answers in particular.


How did you hear about the course?*

e.g. Global Campus of Human Rights website/newsletter/social media accounts, online search, friends/colleagues, other websites/portals...


Privacy Policy and Declaration of Authenticity: