Digital Learning Initiative "An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia"
Inisiativa Aprende Digital "Introdusaun Direitus Umanus iha Sudeste Asiatiku"

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the capacity-building project at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) to develop a digital learning initiative to allow the continuation of the local lecturers’ training and the mainstreaming of human rights in the university curriculum. The result is "An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia – Training Course for the National University of Timor-Leste", a new blended-education tool, entirely designed in Tetum and English languages, combining e-learning with in-class participation. The course is conceived to support UNTL Professors, Teaching Assistants and students of the new UNTL transversal course on Human Rights and Democratisation starting in 2021.

The course is based on ten modules, dealing with the basic notions of human rights studies, plus a selection of subjects related to the most pressing human rights issues in Timor-Leste. The video-lessons are taught by lecturers and experts from the Global Campus, the ASEAN University Network (AUN-HRE), and leading experts from other human rights education institutions. The reading material for this course is the new GC-UNTL textbook "Our Human Rights, Our Future: An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia", specifically developed for the new transversal course. This textbook was created on the bases of "Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia (Vol. 1, 2, 3)" by Mahidol University, a teaching tool that aims at contributing to the promotion of human rights education in Southeast Asia, as well as current and perspective ASEAN countries. The textbook was abridged and then adapted to local needs and contents, as well as tested to make sure that it is well suited for their learning purposes. Moreover, several Civil Society Organizations of Timor-Leste have also collaborated in the preparation of boxes with local examples and practices.

This initiative is a new permanent training and studying tool contributing to the didactic innovation of the National University for the mainstreaming of human rights education through its faculties.


Impaktu husi pandemia Covid-19 obriga kapasitasaun projetu iha Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e dezenvolve inisiativa aprende digital atu permite kontinuasaun treinamentu ba Dosentes local, no integrasaun Direitus Umanus iha Kurikulum Universidade. Rezultadu mak "Introdusaun Direitus Umanus iha Sudeste Asiatiku - Kursu Formasaun ba Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e" instrumentu foun ida ba edukasaun mistura, inteiramente dezena ho lian Tetun no Ingles, kombinasaun aprende ho partisipasaun klass. Kursu ida ne’e konsebidu atu suporta professores, asistentes no estudantes hanorin UNTL no kursu transversal Direitus Umanus no Demokrasia foun iha UNTL komesa iha 2021 .

Kursu ne’e baseia ba modul sanulu, liga ho nosaun basiku iha estudo direitus umanus, aumenta materia seleksaun relasiona ho kestaun direitus umanus urjente iha timor-Leste. Video-materia Kursu ne’e hanorin husi Dosentes no espertu husi Global Campus, the ASEAN University Network (AUN-HRE), no lider espesialista husi instituisaun edukasaun direitus umanus.

Materiál leitura ba aula ida ne’e maka kapítulu 1 hosi GC-UNTL nian livru didátitu “Ami nia Direitus Umanus, Ami nia Futuru! Introdusaun ba Direitus Umanus iha Sudeste Aziátiku”, partikularmente dezenvolve ba kursu transversais ida- ne'e. Livru didátiku ba kursu ida ne’e mak kria bazeia ba "Introdusaun ba Direitu Umanu iha Sudezte Aziátiku (Vol.1, 2 no 3)", hosi Universidade Mahidol, hanorin materiál ida-ne'e ba objetivu atu kontribui ba promosaun edukasaun direitu umanu iha Sudezte Aziátiku, nomos perspetiva atuál nasaun ASEAN sira. Halo sumáriu ba Livru didátiku ne’e nomos adapta konteudu lokál no nesesidade lokál nian, mos teste ona atu asegura katak livru didátiku ne’e hatán ba objetivu prosesu aprendizazen ba estudante. Organizasaun sosiadade civil balun iha Timor-Leste mos kolabora ba iha preparasaun livru didátiku ne’e liu hosi fornese kaixa ezemplu no prátika lokál nian. Livru didátiku ida- ne’e agora dadaun iha esbosu finál no disponivél ba konsume internál, sei publíka iha tinan 2021.

Inisiativu ida ne’e kontribuisaun instrumentu permanenti foun treinamentu no estuda ba inovasaun didaktiku ba Universidade Nasional ba integrasaun Direitus Umanus Edukasaun liu husi kada fakuldade.

Module 1 – The Fundamentals of Human Rights/Fundamentu sira Direitus Umanus nian

This first module introduces the basic concepts of human rights, providing the foundations for approaching the next lessons of the course. What are human rights? What difference can they make to a person? How are they protected? This section will address these questions focusing on the key principles, objectives, and categories of human rights, helping to recognize what a human rights violation is, also bringing several concrete examples from Timor-Leste.


Modul dahuluk nee introdus konseitu baziku Direitus Umanus, fornese fundamentu baziku atu aprosima materia tuir Mai husi kursu. Saida mak Direitus Umanus? Diferente Saida mak sira bele halo ba ema?Oinsa mak sira proteje? Seksaun nee sei koalia perguntas sira ne'e fokus ba pontu prinsipal, objetivu, no kategoria Direitus Umanus, ajuda atu rekonese Saida mak violasaun Direitus Umanus ne, mos Lori ezemplu konkretu balun husi Timor Leste.



  • The importance of Human Rights Education
  • What are Human Rights?
  • The Foundations of Human Rights
  • Vertical and Horizontal Protection
  • Categories of Rights
  • The Separation and Unification of the Categories of Rights
  • Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action


  • Importansia husi Edukasaun Direitu Umanus
  • Saida maka Direitus Umanus?
  • Fundamentu ba Direitu Umanus sira
  • Protesaun Vertikál no Orizontál
  • Kategoria sira Direitu nian
  • Haketak no unifika kategoria sira Direitu nian
  • Deklarasaun Viena no Programa Asaun

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Module 2 – Introduction to International Human Rights Standards/Introdusaun ba Padraun Internasional Direitus Umanus

Human rights outline a specific standard of treatment for human beings. The right itself may be vague in setting the standard (for example, the freedom from slavery does not define the term “slavery”), or it may be specific (for example, all children have a right to free and compulsory primary education). These standards are outlined mainly in international human rights treaties and corresponding domestic laws, where the meaning and scope of each human right is detailed. This chapter will provide a general overview of these standards, which will be essential to continue the learning process for this course.


Direitus umanus deskreve padraun espesífiku kona-ba tratamentu ba ema hotu-hotu. Direitu ne'e rasik dala ruma ladún klaru (ezemplu, liberdade husi atan (eskravidaun) la define termu “atan”), ka bele espesífiku (porezemplu, labarik hotu-hotu iha direitu ba edukasaun primária ne'ebé livre no obrigatóriu). Padraun sira ne'e deskreve liu liu iha tratadu internasionál direitus umanus no lei doméstika korrespondente, iha ne'ebé detalle signifikadu no ámbitu hosi direitu umanu ida-idak . Kapítulu ida ne'e sei fornese panorama jerál ida kona-ba padraun hirak ne'e, ne'ebé esensiál atu kontinua prosesu aprendizajen ba kursu ida ne'e.



  • Human Rights Standards
  • Public International Law: The Basics
  • The Sources of International Law
  • Judicial Decision and Teaching of International Law
  • Background to the Development of International Human Rights Standards
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Creating Treaties: An Overview


  • Padraun sira Direitu Umanu nian
  • Direitu Internasionál Públiku: Báziku
  • Fonte sira direitu Internasionál nian
  • Desizaun judisiál nian no ensinamentu sira direitu internasionál nian
  • Antesedensia hosi dezenvolvimentu Norma Internasionál Direitu Umanu
  • Deklarasaun Universál Direitu Umanu
  • Kriasaun ba Tratadu: Vizaun Jerál

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Introdusaun, TED & UN OHCHR

Istoria Dereitus Umanus, Prof. Josè Zalaquett


Fonte sira direitu Internasionál nian, Prof. Juan Francisco Lobo


Deklarasaun Universál Direitu Umanu, UN Timor-Leste

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Module 3 – International Human Rights Treaties/Tratadu Internasionál Direitus Umanus

This module focuses on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and describes how the State is required to respect and fulfill them. Specifically, it classifies political and civil rights in the dimension of non-intervention from the government, as in cased of self-determination and non-discrimination, and other freedoms. Moreover, the module describes the State's obligation to fulfill the economic, social, and cultural rights, such as the right to access education, health, justice, and food, and other basic needs. The realization of these rights requires good government planning and policies based on the principle of progressive realization. This module illustrates the two covenants also thanks to some concrete examples and case-studies from Timor-Leste related to policy, law, and social and cultural activities.


Módulu ida ne'e foka liu ba Paktu Internasionál kona-ba Direitu Sivíl no Polítiku (PIDSP) no Paktu Internasionál kona-ba Direitu Ekonómiku, Sosiál no Kulturál (PIDESK), no deskreve oinsá Estadu tenke respeita no kumpre. Espesifikamente, nia klasifika direitu polítiku no sivíl sira iha dimensaun intervensaun la’ós husi governu, hanesan iha kazu auto-determinasaun no la-iha deskriminasaun, no liberdade sira seluk. Aleinde ne'e, módulu ne’e deskreve Estadu nia obrigasaun atu kumpre direitu ekonómiku, sosiál no kulturál sira, hanesan direitu atu asesu ba edukasaun, saúde, justisa no ai-han, no mós nesesidade bázika sira seluk. Realizasaun ba direitu hirak-nee presiza planeamentu no polítika di’ak governu nian bazeia ba prinsípiu realizasaun progresivu. Módulu ida ne'e hatudu mós paktu rua ne'e ho ezemplu konkretu balun husi Timor-Leste ne'ebé iha relasaun ho polítika, lei no atividade sosiál no kulturál.



  • ICCPR and Rights in the ICCPR
  • Limits to Civil and Political Rights
  • ICESCR: Social, Economy and Cultural Rights
  • Realization of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • Case studies and policy and law related to ICCPR and ICESCR


  • PIDSP no Direitu sira iha PIDSP
  • Limite sira ba Direitu Sivíl no Polítiku sira
  • PIDESK: Direitu Sosiál, Ekonómiku no Kulturál sira
  • Realizasaun husi Direitu Sosiál, Ekonómiku no Kulturál sira
  • Estudu Kazu no polítika no lei relasiona ba PIDSP no PIDESK

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Module 4 – Human Rights Protection: The UN and the International System/Protesaun Direitus Umanus: ONU no Sistema Internasionál

The most significant international body protecting human rights is the United Nations (UN). The UN’s mandate is to promote and protect universal human rights. The UN is large, complex, and its duties and activities sometimes overlap, which means there is no simple way of summarizing all it does to promote and protect human rights. In this chapter a general overview will be provided, illustrating the functioning of the main UN bodies and procedure, also thanks to the use of the case study of Timor-Leste, and its self-determination struggle in the international system.


Órgaun internasionál importante liu ne'ebé proteje direitus umanus mak Nasoins Unidas (ONU). ONU nia mandatu mak atu promove no proteje direitus umanus universal. ONU ne'e boot, kompleksu, no ninian obrigasaun no atividade sira dala barak sobrepozisaun, ne'ebé signifika katak la iha dalan ne'ebé simples hodi halo rezumu ba buat hotu ne'ebé nia halo atu promove no proteje direitus umanus. Iha kapítulu ida ne 'e sei fornese deskrisaun jerál ida, hodi ilustra funsionamentu órgaun no prosedimentu ONU nian, hodi agradese mós ba utilizasaun estudu kazu Timor-Leste nian, no nia luta ba autodeterminasaun iha sistema internasionál.



  • Security Council
  • General Assembly
  • Secretariat
  • UN Charter
  • Human Rights Council
  • Universal Periodic Review


  • Konsellu Seguransa
  • Assembleia Jerál
  • Sekretariadu
  • KES (Konsellu Ekonómiku no Sosiál/ECOSOC)
  • Karta NU
  • Konsellu Direitus Umanus
  • Revizaun Periódika Universál
  • GAKDU (Gabinete Altu Komissariadu ba Direitus Umannus/OHCHR)

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Module 5 – Women’s Human Rights/Direitus Umanus Feto nian

The module focuses on the importance of women’s human rights in the regional and international context. It presents the concept of equality by defining different types of discrimination and considering the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is part of an important development in protecting women’s human rights (concept of equality) linking with the national constitution to guarantee the State obligation to respect, protect, and fulfil women’s human rights. The module further discusses how women in Southeast Asia have struggled in advocating for their rights, and how they fight to overcome different forms of discriminations, social norms, and gender stereotyping. Finally, the module also discusses the contribution of local women activist advocating for the advancement of their rights, understanding sex and gender discrimination (ex. traditional gender role in Timorese society). Also, women’s rights to work and their political participation are discussed throughout this section of the training.


Modul ida-ne’e foka liu ba importansia feto no direitu umanus iha kontextu rejionál no internasionál. Modul ne’e aprezenta konseitu igualidade no define tipu deskriminasaun oi-oin no konsidera CEDAW hanesan parte dezenvolvimentu importante atu proteje direitu umanus feto nian (konseitu igualidade) liga ho konstituisaun nasionál atu garante estadu nia obrigasaun hodi respeitu, proteje, no asegura feto nia direitu umanus. Modul ida-ne’e kontinua halo diskusaun kona-ba feto oinsá feto sira iha Sudeste Aziatiku hasoru difikuldades durante halo advokasia ba sira-nia direitu, no oinsá mak sira luta hodi bele ultrapassa forma diskriminasaun oin-oin, norma sosiál, no stereotipu bazeia ba jéneru. Ikus liu, modul ne’e mos deskuti kona-ba kontribuisaun advokasia hosi ativista lokáll hodi halo mudansa ba sira-nia direitu, komprende kona-ba sexu no diskriminasaun bazeia ba jéneru (nu’udar ezemplu, pensamentu tradisional kona-ba papel jéneru iha sosiedade Timor-Leste). Nune’e mós feto nia direitu ba serbisu no partisipasaun polítika diskuti iha iha sessaun sira iha treinamentu ne’e.



  • Introducing the history of women’s human rights
  • Defining Discrimination
  • Concept of Equality in CEDAW
  • Protection Mechanisms on Women’s Rights
  • Violence Against Women
  • Women’s Political Representation
  • Women at Work


  • Introdusaun kona-ba historia feto nian no direitu umanus
  • Defini diskriminasaun
  • Konseitu igualidade tuir CEDAW
  • Mekanismu organizasaun kona-ba direitu feto
  • Violénsia Hasoru Feto
  • Reprezentasaun feto iha politika
  • Feto iha serbisu fatin

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Module 6 – Children’s Human Rights/Direitus Umanus Labarik nian

This module introduces the concept of children’s human rights and its definition, including the background discussion on why children’s rights are crucial for protecting them from abuses. It explains the relevance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) with its main principles serving as a guide to understand and influenced the way how children’s rights are met. Further, the module specifically discusses the key concepts of ''best interest of the child'', non-discrimination, the rights to participate and be part of any development process. It also focuses on the right of the adolescent to reproductive health, economic well-being, protection against any form of violence, protection in armed conflict, access to juvenile justice system. In the local context of Timor-Leste, this module presents the issues of child labour, the juvenile justice, language barriers for children of ethnic minorities, education, sexual abuse, corporal punishment and social attitude towards children.


Modul ida-ne’e introduz konseitu no definisaun kona-ba labarik nia direitu umanus, inklui diskusaun istóriku kona-ba tanbasa direitu labarik ne’e importante atu proteje sira hosi abuzu. Explika relevansia konvensaun direitu ba labarik (KDL) ho nia prinsípiu fundamental hanesan giaun hodi komprende no influensia maneira oinsá mak direitu labarik nian bele atinje. Tuir mai, modul ne’e espesifikamente diskute konseitu save sira kona-ba “best interest of the child – interese diak ba labarik”, naun-diskriminasaun, direitu atu partisipa no bele hola parte iha kualker prosesu dezenvolvimentu sira. Modul ne’e mós foka ba adolescente sira-nia direitu asesu ba saúde reprodutiva, bein-estár ekonómiku, protesaun hasoru kualker forma violénsia, protesaun iha konflitu armada, asesu ba justisa juvenil. Tuir Timor-Leste nia kontextu lokál, modul ida-ne’e aprezenta issu sira kona-ba serbisu infantil, justisa juvenil, difikuldade língua ba labarik etniku/grupu minoria, edukasaun, abuzu sexuál, kastigu fíziku, no attitude sosiál hasoru labarik.



  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
  • The protection of children against violence
  • Children in Armed Conflict
  • Right to education
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Children and Labour
  • Rights of adolescents to reproductive health


  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
  • Protesaun ba labarik hasoru violénsia
  • Labarik ih konlfitu armada
  • Direitu ba edukasaun
  • Justisa Juvenil
  • Labarik no Serbisu Laborál
  • Direitu adoloscente ba saúde reprodutiva

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Module 7 – The Rights of Persons with Disabilities/Direitus Ema ho Defisiénsia nian

This module introduces the evolution of the understanding of disability according four main perspectives: from the charity, medical and social models, to the shift toward the human rights-based model. Subsequently, the module discusses the main international human rights instrument dealing with disability, namely the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the legal implementation at national level. It further illustrates how the society in Timor-Leste treats persons with disabilities with negative stereotypes and uses through local concrete examples and case-studied related to accessibility, education, and the enjoyment of civil and political rights. The last part provides inputs of policies, best practices, and experiences of persons with disabilities in Southeast Asia.


Modúlu ida-ne’e introdús evolusaun koñesimentu kona-ba defisiénsia tuir perspetiva prinsipál haat: hosi modelu karidade, médiku no sosiál, atu muda ba modelu bazeia ba direitus umanus. Tuir, módulu ko’alia kona ba instrumentu prinsipál direitus umanus internasionál ne’ebé haree ba defisiénsia, liuliu Konvensaun kona-ba Direitu Ema ho Defisiénsia sira-nian (KDED), no implementasaun legál iha nivel nasionál. Liu tan hatudu oinsá sosiedade iha Timor-Leste trata ema ho defisiénsia sira ho estereótipu negativu no uza ezemplu konkretu lokál no kazu sira relasiona ho asesibilidade, edukasaun, no gozu ba direitu sivíl no polítiku. Parte ikus fó input hosi polítika, prátika di’ak liu, no esperiénsia sira husi ema ho defisiénsia iha Sudeste Aziátiku.



  • Evolving approaches to addressing disability: From Charity, medical, Social and Human rights-based approach.
  • Social attitudes and language regarding disability in Timor-Leste
  • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Policies in Southeast Asia Related to Disability
  • Right to education for persons with disabilities in Timor-Leste
  • Debate, discussion, and example of best practices in Timor-Leste


  • Aprosimasaun sira hodi hatán ba defisiénsia: Husi abordajen bazeia ba karidade, médiku, Sosiál no Direitus Umanus .
  • Atitude sosiál no lian kona-ba defisiénsia iha Timor-Leste
  • Konvensaun kona-ba Direitu sira husi Ema ho Defisiénsia
  • Polítika sira iha Sudeste Aziátiku Kona-ba Defisiénsia
  • Direitu ba edukasaun husi ema ho defisiénsia iha Timor-Leste
  • Debate, diskusaun, no ezemplu husi prátika di’ak liu iha Timor-Leste

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Module 8 – The Environment and Human Rights/Ambiente no Direitus Umanus

This module elaborates on the environment and human rights. It draws from the core foundation of the right to life linking to the environment. The module introduced the history of environmental tragedy and catastrophe disasters tracing back to the last four decades and continues to explore more about what are Environmental Standards and environmental substantive and procedural rights. The last session highlights the concept of climate change and human rights. This module also illustrates some concrete examples from Timor-Leste cases related to policy, law, and environmental impacts.


Módulu ida ne'e haree kona-ba ambiente no direitus umanus. Nia foti hosi fundasaun prinsipál hosi direitu atu moris liga ho ambiente. Módulu ne’e introdús istória kona-ba trajédia ambientál no dezastre naturál sira ne'ebé mosu hafoin dékada haat ikus no kontinua esplora liután kona-ba saida mak Padraun Ambientál no Direitu prosesuál no substantivu ambientál. Sesaun ida ikus foka ba konseitu mudansa klimátika no direitus umanus. Módulu ida-ne'e mós fó ezemplu konkretu balun husi kazu Timor-Leste nian relasiona ho polítika, lei no impaktu ambientál sira.



  • Introduction to Human Rights and the Environment
  • Environmental Standards
  • Substantive Right and Procedural Right to a Clean Environment
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment
  • Climate Change and Human Rights


  • Introdusaun ba Direitus Umanus no Ambiente
  • Padraun Ambientál sira
  • Direitu Substantivu no Direitu Prosesuál ba Ambiente Moos - Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambientál
  • Direitu ba Ambiente Seguru, Moos Saudável no Sustentavel
  • Mudansa Klimátika no Direitus Umanus

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Module 9 – Protection of HR and Democratisation in Southeast Asia/Protesaun ba Direitus Umanus no Demokratizasaun iha Sudeste Azíatiku

To protect human rights is to ensure that anyone who is entitled to a right is actually able to get those rights. For example, a child who has a right to attend school can indeed go to school, or a journalist can freely write the news. Protecting human rights is done by various organizations in a number of different ways. At the national level police, judges, courts, and lawyers work to enforce human rights, as do civil society organizations and government officers. They can protect human rights by enforcing laws, promoting tolerance, educating people, providing services, and so on. In a similar way, organizations at the regional level, or at the international level, also work to protect human rights. This chapter looks at how human rights are protected at both the national level (what is happening in Timor-Leste), but also at the regional level – how regional bodies protect human rights.


Atu proteje direitus umanus mak atu asegura katak ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé iha direitu ba direitu sira ne’e bele hetan duni direitu hirak ne’e. Porezemplu, labarik ida ne’ebé iha direitu atu tuir eskola bele ba eskola, ka jornalista ida bele hakerek notisia ho livre . Protesaun ba direitus umanus hala'o hosi organizasaun oioin ho maneira oin-oin. Iha nivel nasionál polísia, juís sira, tribunál sira, no advogadu sira servisu atu aplika direitus umanus, hanesan mós organizasaun sosiedade sivíl no ofisiál governu sira. Sira bele proteje direitus umanus liu husi aplikasaun lei, promove toleránsia, edukasaun ba ema, fornese servisu, no seluk tan. Nune'e mós, organizasaun sira iha nível rejionál, ka iha nível internasionál, servisu mós atu proteje direitus umanus. Kapítulu ida ne'e hare ba oinsá direitus umanus hetan protesaun iha nivel nasionál (buat ne'ebé akontese iha Timor-Leste), maibé mós iha nivel rejionál – oinsá órgaun rejionál sira proteje direitus umanus.



  • Status of HR protection in Southeast Asia
  • Human Rights and the Constitutions
  • National Human Rights Institutions
  • Regional protection mechanisms
  • ASEAN and human rights protection
  • NGOs and human rights protection
  • Human Rights & Democracy
  • Democratization in Southeast Asia


  • Situasaun husi protesaun DU iha Sudeste Aziátiku
  • Direitus Umanus no Konstituisaun sira
  • Instituisaun Nasionál Direitus Umanus sira
  • Mekanizmu sira husi protesaun rejionál
  • ASEAN no protesaun direitus umanus
  • ONG sira no protesaun direitus umanus
  • Direitus Umanus & Demokrasia
  • Demokratizasaun iha Sudeste Aziátiku

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Module 10 – History of the Struggles for Human Rights in Timor-Leste: Transitional Justice, Reconciliation and Memory/Istoria luta ba Direitus Umanus iha Timor Leste: Justisa Tranzisional, Rekonsiliasaun no Memoria

The module focusses on the history of struggle for human rights in Timor-Leste after 1975, also presenting data on the violations committed during the occupation period. It then introduces the key concepts of transitional justice and its mechanisms, reconciliation, memory, and memorialization with direct reference to the local historical scenario. Further the module presents the role of the CAVR and invites to reflect upon the issue of the recognition of the responsibilities and the need to achieve justice.


Modul ne fokus ba istoria luta konaba direitus umanus iha Timor-Leste depois 1975, nomos apresenta dadus violasaun nebe komete durante periodu okupasaun. Nia introdus konseitu prinsipal sira husi justisa tranzisional no ninia mekanismu, rekonsiliasaun, memoria, no memorializasaun ho referensia direta ba skenariu istoria lokal. Liu tan modul ne apresenta papel CAVR no konvida atu refleta kestaun rekonesimentu ba responsabilidade no persiza atinji justisa.



  • Main notions and models of transitional justice
  • Introduction to Reconciliation theory and practice
  • Reconciliation with society, political community, states
  • CAVR in Timor-Leste
  • Notions of memorialization and its role
  • Data and figures about human rights violations from 1975


  • Nosaun prinsipal no modelu justisa tranzisional
  • Introdusaun teoria Rekonsiliasaun no pratika
  • Rekonsiliasaun ho sociedade, komunidade politikus, Nasaun
  • CAVR iha Timor-Leste
  • Definisaun memorializasaun no Papel
  • Dadus no numeru konaba violasaun Direitus Umanus husi 1975

Textbook chapter/Kapítulu Manual






PPT slides




This initiative is the result of the close cooperation among the UNTL-HRC project staff and trainees, the GC Headquarters, the GC Asia-Pacific programme with its regional university network, and key Timorese CSOs. Specifically, it was conceptualised and managed by Adriano Remiddi, with the constant support and contribution of the following team:


Inisiativa ida nee mak resultadu koperasaun estreita entre funsionariu no estajiadu Projetu UNTL Sentru Direitus Umanus, Sede GC, porgrama GC Sudueste Asiatiku ho rede universidade rejional, no prinsipal CSO Timorense. Espesialmente, konseptualiza no jere husi Adriano Remiddi, ho apoiu no kontribuisaun husi ekipa tuir Mai:




Editorial supervision: Michael Hayes, Director of the Global Campus Asia-Pacific, Mahidol University
Editorial coordination & abridgement: Jelena Vukobrat, GC Project Officer / UNTL-HRC

Authors: Michael Hayes, Mahidol University; Azmi Sharon, University of Malaya; Eko Riyadi, Universitas Islam; Hadi Rahmat Purnama, University of Indonesia; Matthew Mullen, Mahidol University; Hugo Maria Fernandes, Centro Nacional Chega!; Benicia Eriana Magno, Deputy Ombudsperson of Timor-Leste

Adaptation: Maria Agnes Bere, Maria Rosa Xavier, Juvita Pereira Faria, Celso da Fonseca, Joanico Gusmao Alves

Testing: Francelino dos Santos Serra, Sehorina Madalena dos Santos, Roli de Jesus Guterres Freitas Belo; Esperança Martins Carvalho, Regina Seuc Seran das Dores;

Translation and Proofreading services: Oasis Sustainable Projects (Tetun); Barradas Legal and business Translations (Portuguese); Rachel Fleetwood (English)

Layout: Emir Hambo; Stefania Saccarola, GC Headquarters Librarian




Instructional and visual design: Angela Melchiorre, Manuela Pegoraro, Weronika Grelow, GC Headquarters E-Learning Department

Lecturers: Manfred Nowak, Global Campus of Human Rights; Mike Hayes, Global Campus Asia-Pacific, Mahidol University; Felipe Gomez, Global Campus Europe, Deusto University; Vachararutai Boontinand, Global Campus Asia-Pacific, Mahidol University; Azmi Sharom, Global Campus Asia-Pacific, University of Malaya; Sriprapha Petcharamesree, Global Campus Asia-Pacific, Mahidol University; Seree Nonthasoot, Former Representative of Thailand to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights; Ilze Grobbelaar-du Plessis, Global Campus Africa, University of Pretoria

Video graphic and editing: Kinonauts and Elisa Calore
IT & Web support: Nicola Tonon, Gaia Balbo and Samuele Schiavon, GC Headquarters
Translation services: Oasis Sustainable Projects