EIUC Library
The Monastery of San Nicolò houses a specialised multi-disciplinary library on human rights and democratisation issues.
The EIUC Library currently comprises around 6000 monographs, 49 subscriptions to Human Rights journals and reviews and non-conventional publications. It is physically divided in thematic sections on the shelves.
The library opened in 1997 when the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation, but it is only since 2001 that a specialised librarian Stefania Saccarola ( stefania.saccarola@eiuc.org) began to work for it.
There are four branches:
- books and monographs;
- documents and reports from international organisations;
- international scientific reviews;
- the final theses of E.MA students of previous years.
While it is possible to take monographs on loan, journals, and reviews are only for consultation.
E.MA theses for the academic years from 1997/1998 until 2003/2004 are also only for consultation.
Since the academic year 2004/2005 E.MA students decide the modalities of use and consultation of their theses. Please ask the librarian for information about their availability.
All the volumes have been registered in the Library Inventory with progressive entry number, Master stamp and labels referring to the EIUC library thematic locations.
The policy adopted for the books purchase is meant to ensure the presence in the Library of fundamental Human Rights publications.
The EIUC Library presently gathers some human rights publishers’ series of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, and collections such as the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de La Haye – Académie de Droit International, etc.
Bilingual and thematic dictionaries for all languages are also at the disposal of E.MA students. Furthermore, Italian and international newspapers are available.
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