EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) has opened applications for the first edition of the training seminar on the “EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” to be held 6-7 February, 2015.
EIUC is committed to combining the promotion of human rights values and academic and professional excellence to serve the local and global society of which it forms part and to strengthen international collaboration with prestigious partner institutions which are sharing the same vision on education and research development.
In this framework EIUC confirms the presence of high-level academics and professionals from celebrated European universities and institutions as trainers in its newly launched seminar dedicated to the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights. Prof. Jean-Paul Jacqué, the seminar’s scientific coordinator -has contributed within the Legal Service of the Council of the European Union to the drafting of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The seminar’s faculty will be rounded out by Steve Peers, Professor of EU Law and Human Rights Law at the University of Essex and co-editor, among other publications, of the Commentary on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Hart Publishing, Oxford); by Jeffrey Kenner, Professor of European Law and EIUC National Director for the University of Nottingham; by Daniel Sarmiento, Professor of EU and Administrative Law at the University Complutense of Madrid and legal secretary at the European Court of Justice since 2007; by John Morijn, senior human rights law adviser at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in The Netherlands and assistant professor of European human rights law at the University of Groningen. Also contributing to the seminar are: Catherine Dupré senior lecturer in law at the University of Exeter with expertise in European law, comparative constitutional law and human rights law, and Julie-Lise VONDUNG - European Commission - Legal Service.
The application period will last until the deadline of 7 January 2015, however 10% discount applies to candidatures received by 1 December 2014.
Please note that there is a limited number of places available for this training seminar, hence EIUC will proceed by accepting candidatures on an ongoing basis. Don’t miss the opportunity!
Interested candidates should register by compiling the online application form.
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