GC Exchange of Professors at Lat.Ma, University of San Martin in Buenos Aires

Ms. Lizbeth Campos Espinosa (Mexico) and Ms. Rocio Comas (Argentina), students of the Master´s in Human Rights and Democratization for Latin America and Caribbean (Lat.Ma) at the University of San Martin in Buenos Aires, Argentina, prepared the following review of the lectures offered in Buenos Aires by Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner from the University of Graz, Austria, as part of the Global Campus of Human Rights´ exchange of lecturers.

On 15 and 16 January 2015, Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner from the University of Graz gave two lectures on the “European System of Human Rights” in Latin American Programme at the University of San Martin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As Master students, we found Dr. Oberleitner´s classes to be outstanding and exhaustive. Thanks to his experience and excellent qualifications for teaching, we were able to understand in depth the scope of regional human rights decisions in the European System of Human Rights.

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During the classes, we were able to explore the role of the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights and its interpretation (including objective and purpose, dynamic interpretation, restrictions of human rights to the ‘extent necessary in a democratic society’ and ‘proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued’, and effectiveness, derogation in time of emergency; procedure of Individual complaints and admissibility criteria), the European Social Charter, the Court of Justice of the European Union and other universal human rights instruments. We also explored priority policy for cases, pilot judgments, interim measures, procedural issues, judgments, just satisfaction and execution of judgments, friendly settlement, advisory opinions, referral for interpretation and infringement, and collective complaints, among other topics.

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Each of these topics was exemplified with case studies, which allowed us to critically explore the role and value of the decisions of the international courts. Dr. Oberleitner is an excellent teacher who was capable of addressing substantive issues in just two days. He was deeply committed with active and participatory learning, as well as group discussions in a multicultural context and our understanding of the topics discussed was strengthened.

As in most courses with good professors, it would be useful to extend the lecturing time, considering how extensive the topics on international human rights are. In this case, we could have acquired more knowledge and benefit further from the profound experience of Dr. Oberleitner.

Take a look to the videos of the lesson of Dr. Oberleitner at the University of San Martin in Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Composition of the European Court of Human Rights and Election of Judges: video
  • Admissibility of Claims Before the European Court of Human Rights: video
  • Concept of “Victim”in the European System: video
  • Inter State Complaints in the European System: video
  • Challenges Facing the European Court of Human Rights: video


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