Global Campus Awarded Theses 2020/2021
The best master theses of the Global Campus of Human Rights for the academic year 2020/2021 are now online.
Since 2013, the Global Campus of Human Rights has granted this award to recognize the exceptional work of students and encourage the highest levels of research and writing.
The Global Campus master theses come from the research and field work of graduates of seven Regional Masters (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Caucasus, Europe, South East Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Arab world) and cover a range of different international topics and challenges that are central to the study and research on human rights.
The Global Campus awarded theses for the academic year 2020/2021 are:
- Daklo, Andrews Kwame, Access to Healthcare for Persons with Albinism in Ghana: A Human Rights Approach, Supervisors: Annette Lansink, University of Venda (South Africa) and Charles Ngwena, University of Pretoria. Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA), coordinated by Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. - Dhami, Dharmendra Bahadur, Caste Discrimination: A Study on Existing Law and Its Implementation on Inter-Caste Marriage of Dalits in Rukum, Western Nepal, Supervisor: Wasantha Seneviratne, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Asia Pacific (APMA), coordinated by Mahidol University (Thailand). - Gogueva, Zemfira, Between Tradition and Fundamentalism: Muslim Women’s Rights in the North Caucasus, Supervisor: Maria Hristova, Lewis and Clark Liberal Art College (USA). Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Caucasus (CES), coordinated by Yerevan State University. - Janković, Ana, The Experiences of Humanitarian Aid Workers in Serbia: Testing the Impact of Organisational Support on Mental Health Outcomes, Supervisor: Anna Krasteva, New Bulgarian University. European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA), coordinated by University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna. - Ryan, Carmen, Iniciativas de presupuesto con perspectiva de género en Argentina. La trama detrás de la experiencia local, Supervisor: Pilar Arcidiácono, UBA – CONICET (Argentina). Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin American and the Caribbean (LATMA), coordinated by National University of San Martin (Argentina). - Tisi, Alessandra, Patent rights or patient rights? An Assessment of Intellectual Property and Right to Health within the Covid-19 Pandemic, Supervisors: Steven L. B. Jensen, Danish Institute for Human Rights and Lars Binderup, University of Southern Denmark. European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA), coordinated by the Global Campus of Human Rights Headquarters.
To be published:
- Bara, Rawad, Cinema as a Tool for Human Rights Education and Reconciliation in Post-conflict Communities, the Lebanese Cinema and the Civil War as a Case Study (Arabic), Supervisor: Rabih Haddad, Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Arab Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights (ARMA), coordinated by Saint Joseph University (Lebanon).
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