29, 30 June – 1 July 2009: International seminar in Tunis organised by EIUC, GTZ, and CAWTAR.
On 29 July the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH (Regional Programme Good Governance – Maghreb region), and the Centre for Arab Women Training and Research (CAWTAR) based in Tunis, had the pleasure to inaugurate the international seminar titled “Les questions d’égalité entre homme et femme dans le droit et la jurisprudence des Etats du Maghreb: Perspectives sub-régionales et compares”.
The seminar, which took place until 1 July 2009 at the Hôtel Ramada Plaza (Gammarth, Tunis), provided the occasion for an intensive exchange among magistrates and jurists from Maghreb countries applying gender-based laws which have been the object of recent reform. It stimulated networking of judicial professionals on issues with a gender dimension and created a platform for exchange on legislation and good practices.
Participation in the seminar included experienced judges from Tunisia and Morocco, as well as university professors, lawyers and practitioners coming, in addition to Tunisia and Morocco, also from Algeria and Mauritania.
The topics discussed during the workshop included international standards of protection of women against discrimination, family law (with particular reference to legislation and jurisprudence on the subjects of divorce/dissolution of marriage and parental responsibility), and nationality law.
The seminar was officially opened by Ms Salwa Darghouth (Directeur Général du Ministère Tunisien des Affaires de la Femme, de la Famille, de l'Enfance et des Personnes Agees), by Ambassador Horst-Wolfram Kerll (German Ambassador in Tunis), by Ms Sandra Schenke (Director of GTZ Tunis), and by the representatives of the organising institutions.
Moderators and facilitators included:
- Dr. Soukeina Bouraoui (Executive Director of CAWTAR),
- Prof. Florence Benoît Rohmer (EIUC Secretary General),
- Ms Susanne Jacobi (GTZ representative – Regional Programme Good Governance – Maghreb region),
- Prof. Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides (University of Cyprus – EIUC Board member),
- M. Zouhair Skandar (Directeur Général, Centre d'Études Juridiques et Judiciaires, Tunisie),
- Prof. Roberta Aluffi Beck-Peccoz (University of Turin, Italy),
- Prof. Leila Jordens-Cotran (Arab Dutch Law Research and Counseling, Amsterdam).
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