Opening of the Global Campus of Human Rights International Conference in Sarajevo
The opening ceremony of the international conference ''Liquid reconciliation: Global perspectives, Glocal realities'' was held on the 4 April 2017 in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 13:00-16:00 hours. The Ceremony is organised under the auspices of the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina whose representative, Mr. Predrag Jović, the deputy minister, welcomed the audience and the distinguished guest stating that the Ministry recognizes the importance of education and academia for human rights and the need for events that promote human rights and reconciliation for more secure and stable future.
The conference focusing on the nexus between human rights protection and the perspective of reconciliation in deeply divided societies was opened by Prof. Stefano Bianchini, Vice rector delegate for the Relations with Eastern European Countries of the University of Bologna and the Co-director of the European regional MA programme in Democracy and Human rights in South East Europe. Rector of the University of Sarajevo Rifat Škrijelj, Head of Political and Economic Section of the EU Delegation in BiH, Jan Snaidauf and ambassador of the Republic of Italy H.E. Nicola Minasi welcomed the participants and the guests. Nataša Kandić, the founder of the Humanitarian Law Fund, Belgrade, addressed the audience with the speech on the achievements and limitations of the Rights to Truth in the SEE region. Prof. Manfred Nowak Secretary General, EIUC - European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (Italy) spoke about the relationship of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies.
The conference shall continue in the Celebrations hall, Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, on the 5th of April, through three panel discussions on: Memory, Empathy and Forgiveness; Morality of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and Justice and Social Cleavages between 9-17 hours. They will be followed by the round table The role of Education in Achieving Justice, Truth and Reconciliation 9-12:30h and the Film screening “The Choice“ at the Meeting Point Cinema, 16:00h on Thursday.
This conference is realised within the framework of the Global Campus of Master’s Programmes and Diplomas in Human Rights and Democratisation, coordinated by the European Inter- University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation and funded by the European Union. The Global Campus of Human Rights is a unique network of more than one hundred participating universities around the world, seeking to advance human rights and democracy through regional and global cooperation for education and research. This global network is promoted through seven Regional Programmes which are based in Venice for Europe, in Sarajevo/ Bologna for South East Europe, in Yerevan for the Caucasus, in Pretoria for Africa, in Bangkok for Asia-Pacific, in Buenos Aires for Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Beirut for the Arab World.
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[Photo Credit: Vanja Čerimagić]
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