Sixth Issue of the Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine

Following the success of many important activities of our network, the Global Campus of Human Rights published the sixth edition of its seasonal Magazine in English and Italian.

This promotional publication is structured in the following sections:

  • Press Office Interviews with donors and partners, and with speakers of the online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversations as well;
  • Updates on News & Events of the Global Campus of Human Rights at local and international levels;
  • Main Campaigns carried out by the Fundraising Office to raise awareness of our impact, and attract more supporters.

“In my last editorial, I had expressed the hope that «our Afghanistan project is only the beginning of a more ambitious programme to support scholars and students at risk in other countries as well». When I wrote these lines a few months ago, I could not imagine that we would soon be faced with an unprecedented influx of refugees from within Europe. In the few weeks since Russian President Vladimir Putin started an unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, more than two million Ukrainians, above all women and children, have been forced to flee their country and seek protection in Poland, Romania and other European countries. The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which is currently under siege by Russian troops, is a member of the Global Campus and its Caucasus Master programme. Many Ukrainian students and graduates of the Caucasus Master are either caught in the middle of this bloody war or have managed to flee their country. Others have been recruited into the Ukrainian army that is desperately defending their country. Professors and students of our member universities in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and many other European countries are actively supporting and assisting Ukrainian refugees, thereby underlining the social responsibility of universities and the academic community. The Global Campus is ready to provide a safe space for Ukrainian students and scholars and at the same time supports those Russian intellectuals who publicly condemn and stand up against Putin’s war and international crimes.” Secretary General Manfred Nowak

For more information, contact our Press and Fundraising Offices:

Elisa Aquino – Isotta Esposito – Giulia Ballarin -

Read the Magazines in English and Italian on our Open Knowledge Repository.




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