The Global Campus celebrates the launch of the Annual Report 2020

Championing Education on Human Rights and Democratisation in Times of Uncertainty


In an unprecedentedly challenging year, both for human rights and for us, the Global Campus embraced — and strengthened — its ties as a global network of almost 100 universities, proving that collaborative efforts can take us further.


Thanks to the resilience of our members based in seven regional hubs – Africa, the Arab World, Asia Pacific, Caucasus, Europe, South America and the Caribbean, and South East Europe - we achieved our main goals for 2019/2020.


Through interdisciplinary insights, creativity and cross-cultural exchanges, we added almost 200 graduates from our seven Master’s programmes to our 4,000-plus worldwide alumni. We also organised dozens of professional training programmes, including free online courses (MOOCs), and hundreds of internships, seminars, workshops and events across the different regions.


The Global Campus inaugural Annual Report features a bit of history; the achievements of our members around the world; how we responded to the pandemic; our focus on the rights of children; our deep connections with the arts; research; and data on our activities. A sneak peek at 2021 gives you a taste of what we are working on.



The people we most wish to celebrate are our students and alumni. They trusted in us, maintaining their commitment and achieving excellent results. They embody the Global Campus vision, which is to foster new generations of human rights defenders able to contribute to a world in which human dignity, equality, freedom, human security, sustainable development, democracy, the rule of law and respect for all human rights are realised.


«The Arab Master’s in Democracy and Human Rights provided me with an incredibly unique set of skills in an increasingly challenging job market. It opened my eyes to the reality of the people we are trying to help, going beyond the traditional theory-driven approach other programmes usually adopt» Global Campus Arab World student

 «The programme gave me insights into the human rights situation in so many countries... You don’t get this experience anywhere else» Global Campus Asia Pacific student

 «The skills and experience I gained in the Global Campus internship programme had a major impact on shaping my global perspective and equipped me with the right tools to fight global challenges locally» Global Campus Caucasus student

«It has been an invaluable international experience, with exposure to lecturers and other students, cross-curricular approach and regular focus on practical skills all incorporated into academic content.” Thank you so much. Despite all the difficulties it was the best year of my life. I have met so many amazing people, professors and classmates and made many friends. I have changed a lot. I think I have grown personally, morally, spiritually and intellectually»   Global Campus Europe student


We wish to thank the European Union, the Right Livelihood Foundation, and many other donors. None of our efforts would have been possible without them. In addition, we are grateful to the invited contributors to our Annual Report, prominent figures from international agencies, politics, philanthropy, and the arts, all committed to the promotion and protection of human rights: Michelle Bachelet, EamonGilmore, Jutta Urpilainen, Michael O’Flaherty, Ole von Uexküll, Vandana Shiva, Julian Fiferand, Koen Vanmechelen.


«One of my personal priorities is tohave more young people involvedin shaping and implementing EUexternal action. Young people are thechange makers.I would invite the Global Campus to further reach out to young people in countries where civic and political space is closing»

Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships


«I am proud that the EU has supported, for more than 20 years, regional Master’s programmes in human rights and democracy, now embedded in the Global Campus of Human Rights, and based on the founding values and principles of the EU: dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights» added

Eamon Gilmore, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights


«Through its academic programmes and network, the Global Campus of Human Rights contributes to the human rights education global initiative by nurturing young people’s interest and passion for human rights, so that they can be positive agents of change towards a just and peaceful future for all, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic»

Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


«Bringing together cutting-edge academia and grassroots activism is the core of our education work. In our long-term partnership with the Global Campus we’re taking this aspiration to a new level» -

Ole von Uexküll, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Foundation



The Annual Report can be downloaded here:




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