UNEP and EIUC together for the environment!
By bringing together human rights experts, ecologists and environmental managers, EIUC has involved the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the organisation of a training seminar which focuses on the environment perspective to analyse human rights, through a new multi-disciplinary approach that underpins the notion that the right to a healthy environment is just as basic as other rights.
Since its foundation in 1972, UNEP has been contributing toward the development and implementation of environmental law through its normative work and the facilitation of intergovernmental platforms for the development of multilateral environmental agreements, principles and guidelines that are aimed at addressing global environmental threats. In the field of human rights and the environment, UNEP's work relates to strengthening the capacity of policy makers and legal professionals to understand and apply the human rights and environment nexus by addressing existing normative, awareness, and knowledge gaps and promoting policy coherence and synergies at both the international and national levels.
The seminar, held in English, is principally targeted on officials from national and international organisations, NGO experts, decision makers and policy makers wishing to better understand how to integrate human rights and environmental issues in their daily work. The course is moreover addressed to postgraduate students and former EIUC participants in its educational programmes, willing to deepen their knowledge in this field.
The faculty is composed of academics and practitioners actively involved in the field of human rights and well-known ecologists specialised in environmental policies and conservation issues. Representatives of the UNEP, the OHCHR, the EU and the World Bank, together with NGO experts and scholars will present and discuss the seminar topics from different perspectives. The methodology of the seminar includes lectures, discussions, working groups and case studies. Issues about human rights and the environment will be analysed in the context of sustainable development by identifying links and challenges which shall be faced to implement a rights-based approach to the environmental protection. As well as consideration of international human rights law, there will also be an examination of the relationship of the law of armed conflict with the environment, and questions of transitional justice.
Find out more at http://www.eiuc.org/hre
Online registration is open until 30 September 2013!
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