Venezia 74: Venice Virtual Reality
For the first time the city of Venice and la Biennale open the full potential to new technologies that will shape our future as humanity. We experimented the opening of Venice Virtual Reality at Lazzaretto Vecchio, where its historical buildings were restored thanks to the Polo Museale del Veneto and Biennale Cinema 2017.
Using a simple free shuttle you could arrive there very easily and book the shows you would like to see. At the entrance, the Lion icon of the Film Festival, with the written world VR like a gate to the future. There are three areas and a relax zone: VR Stand Ups, VR Installations and VR Theather, with VR projects that are in competition or not.
Some of the installations allow us to link the new technologies with rights of freedom of expression, empathy and understanding human diversity through the lenses of an oculus of digital system. For example, elegance animals and ecosystem materialise in front of you like Free Whale by Zhang Peibin and Chuang by Qing Shao, in La camera insabbiata by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang you could take your own time.
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