Introducing Curated #4: Key Issues on Children’s Rights in South East Europe

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Introducing Curated #4: Key Issues on Children’s Rights in South East Europe

Welcome to our fourth Curated series, which addresses some of the key issues affecting children’s rights in South East Europe (SEE). The series marks a collaboration with the Children’s Rights Department at the Global Campus Headquarters in Venice working together with motivated and dynamic Children’s Rights Regional Officers under the Global Campus and Right Livelihood cooperation with the aim of enhancing children's rights globally.

We chose the topic of our fourth Curated series to elevate awareness of children’s rights related issues in the SEE region and the importance of preparedness to overcome them, fostering across the GC network the sense of a joint effort advocating for sustainable change in the service of children.

The seven blog posts, written by researchers from SEE, reflect legal and social challenges that children are currently facing in the region, from country-specific to more region-wide examples, each covering different spheres of children's rights.

Every Monday over the coming weeks of September and October there will be a post addressing core aspects of these issues. They concern the corporal punishment of children, the marketing practices towards children in the digital era, the phenomenon of cyberbullying, child labour among unaccompanied children on the move, Roma children’s right to education, and entitlement issues concerning free school meals.

In this context, particular attention is devoted to a range of rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, such as the right to life, survival, and development (Article 6), the right to protection from all forms of violence (Article 19), the right to privacy (Article 16), freedom of expression and thought (Articles 13 and 14), the right to access to media from a diversity of services (Article 17), the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation (Article 32), the right to education (Article 28), and the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (Article 27).

The contributors to this new Curated section include Milena Blagojević, Xheni Alla, Mediha Arnaut Smajlović, Maja Šenk, Violeta Marković, Anida Gjurgjiali and Tamara Zrnić.

Written by Chiara Altafin and Nejira Pasic



Chiara Altafin

Chiara Altafin

Chiara Altafin is the editor-in-chief of the GC Human Rights Preparedness Blog. She works as Research Manager at the GC Headquarters in Venice and leads various research-based activities, with a primary focus on strengthening research, education, training, network-building and advocacy for the rights of children. She has also been a teaching fellow for the European Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA) since September 2015, and in this context lectures on topics related to human rights, International and European law, conducts academic and research skills seminars, and is the academic coordinator of the Cluster on Children’s Rights.



Nejira Pasic

Nejira Pasic

Nejira Pasic is a researcher and analyst in the field of human rights and geopolitics. She works as the Children's Rights Regional Officer for the GC South East Europe, collaborating closely with the ERMA programme on implementing children's rights projects and activities into the activities of the programme. After completing her BA studies in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Buckingham, she obtained the European Regional Master's in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA).

Cite as: Altafin, Chiara; Pasic, Nejira. "Introducing Curated #4: Key Issues on Children’s Rights in South East Europe", GC Human Rights Preparedness, 11 September 2023,


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