“…There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”


— Nelson Mandela

In 2019, the Global Campus entered into a long-term cooperation with Right Livelihood with the aim of enhancing children's rights globally. The primary objective of this collaboration is to elevate awareness of children’s rights related topics and increase children's participation in matters that affect their present and future lives. The Global Campus has committed to strengthening its education, research, training, network-building, and advocacy for children's rights.  The cooperation is unique because it brings academia and activism closer together. The interrelation between academia and activism is realised in practice each year through the implementation of projects that have a real-world impact.

Our activities comprise educational components on children's rights through mainstreaming children’s rights in the Global Campus Regional masters programmes,   multi-year research projects on strategic litigation, movement building and child participation,  follow-up activities to the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, and specialised MOOCs. Many of our projects are designed to support the work of young activists promoting human rights and democracy globally. We are actively engaged in addressing major crises that severely affect children's rights, such as health, climate, and migration. With the coordinating Children’s rights department at the GC headquarters in Venice working together with motivated and dynamic Children’s Rights Regional officers, the vision of the cooperation is to foster across the GC network the sense that we are part of a global effort advocating for sustainable change in the service of children worldwide. 

An additional focus of our activities involves the advancement of child participation within the higher education context. Our projects are also designed to directly support the work of young activists working in movements as they promote human rights and democracy around the world. This includes our active engagement in addressing major crises that severely affect children’s rights (e.g. health, climate, migration)