Visiting Researchers

The Global Campus of Human Rights (GC) comprising seven Regional Master Programmes in all world regions and various other teaching, training and research activities, welcomes applications from researchers interested in human rights and democratisation to conduct their research at its premises in Venice. The length of the research stay is usually from 1 to 6 months. Global Campus Visiting Researchers should secure their own funding to finance their stay in Venice.

Global Campus Visiting Researchers are encouraged to participate actively in the intellectual and educational activities of GC, such as the Venice Academy for Human Rights, the Venice School of Human Rights, as well as training seminars, online courses, GC Research outputs, e-journal and conferences depending on the scheduled stay. Whenever possible, Global Campus Visiting Researchers are encouraged to take part at our well-known Venice based Master course, the European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA). The contribution of Global Campus Visiting Researchers can take, for example, the form of offering a guest lecture, writing articles for GC publications, sharing their expertise with students, participation in online webinars, co-organising GC events, and giving presentations at events.


For the purpose of conducting research, GC provides the following benefits:

  • the use of its specialised library, including book loans and accessing online resources (more information on the library is available here);
  • a working space (with a computer upon request in the application);
  • internet access;
  • printing, scanning and photocopying opportunity;
  • participation in GC events, projects, research activities and programmes;
  • networking with the numerous renowned academics, experts, diplomats and human rights defenders from all regions of the world, who regularly contribute to the programmes of GC.


A good command of English is a prerequisite in order to facilitate integration into the GC community and activities. The following persons are eligible:

  • experts with at least 3 years of professional experience in the field in human rights and/or democratisation;
  • PhD students;
  • post-doctoral scholars;
  • senior researchers and professors.


The fee to cover the administrative costs of a Global Campus Visiting Researcher’s stay is 200 EUR/month. In exceptional circumstances, in particular in the case of ‘scholars at risk’, this fee can be waived. Such a request, explaining the scholar’s financial and other circumstances, has to be submitted together with the application.

Application procedure

Applications for Global Campus Visiting Researchers are accepted on a rolling basis and should be sent to the following e-mail address (with the subject heading ‘Global Campus Visiting Researcher’): The application should comprise the following materials:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • a short list of selected publications and/or a summary of relevant professional experience;
  • a motivation letter with a summary of the proposed research project;
  • a timeframe of the intended stay (duration and time period).


In the selection of our Global Campus Visiting Researchers, we will give priority to scholars from the Global South as well as to scholars at risk of persecution, who are forced to leave their countries and universities.

The GC Secretary-General, in consultation with the GC Academic Director, will take the final decision on each prospective candidate.