''Developing HR Education & Research at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e” - Interview

The 6 selected human rights defenders from Timor-Leste successfully finalized the PHASE 1 of their 18-months ‘’Studies & Training Programme’’. What is coming next? Find it out in the words of the project manager Adriano Remiddi, in charge of our EU-funded capacity building project ''Developing HR Education & Research at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e”.

#GCHumanRights #GCAsiaPacific #HumanRightsCenterUNTL

Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e União Europeia em Timor-Leste European Commission - Development & Cooperation - EuropeAid Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University

Meet the Secretary General of Global Campus Alumni

What is Global Campus Alumni?
What is the flagship program of the organisation?
Who are mentors & mentees?
How does the network help current students and graduates face the job market?

Carla Miranda, Secretary General of Global Campus Alumni, will introduce you #GCAlumni

Stay tuned for the upcoming events in Venice (Spetember) and Pretoria (December).

Global Campus Partnership with Rights Livelihood Award Foundation

"We think that this cooperation […] should really serve to not only reclaim democratic space, but also to make sure that there are young people and new generations of changemakers to occupy it” Ole Von Uexküll - Executive Director of the Rights Livelihood Award Foundation

Read more about our new partnership  http://bit.ly/RLAFpartnership

Right Livelihood Foundation
NGO Panel for the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty
#RightLivelihoodAward #GCHumanRightsPartnerships