Sakharov Fellows at the Venice School of Human Rights

Do you know what are the most recurrent human rights violations in Ukraine, or how is the daily life of a #HumanRightsDefender in the Philippines?
Hear it in out interview with this year’s Sakharov Fellows Iaropolk Brynkh (Ukraine), Meriem Bouraoui (Algeria), Marino Cordoba (Colombia) and Joyce Godio (Philippines).
Through the Sakharov Fellowship Programme, the European Parliament offers up to 14 human rights defenders selected from non-EU countries the opportunity to follow a two week intensive training in Brussels and at the #VeniceSchool of #HumanRights organised by the Global Campus of Human Rights.
More info

Venice School of Human Rights 2019

Our #VeniceSchool of #HumanRights closes today!
Once again, we thank all the participants and lecturers for taking part in such an enriching week of interactive sessions.

Discover our #HumanRightsEducation portfolio

MOOC on Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Change

In recent years, terrorist attacks, radicalisation, extremism and xenophobia have surged across Europe and are posing a threat not only to the safety of its citizens but also to the EU fundamental values. Within this context, the role of education reveals to be crucial so as to promote democratic citizenship and social inclusion in diverse educational contexts and learning environments.
A new #MOOC on Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Change is coming soon!
#HumanRightsEducation #GCHumanRights

Ces dernières années, les attaques terroristes, la radicalisation violente, l'extrémisme et la xénophobie sont en forte augmentation à travers l'Europe et menacent non seulement la sécurité de ses citoyens mais aussi les valeurs fondamentales de l'UE. Dans ce contexte, le rôle de l'éducation s'avère crucial pour promouvoir la citoyenneté démocratique et l'inclusion sociale dans divers contextes éducatifs et milieux d'apprentissage.
A nouveau cours sur L’Éducation à la Citoyenneté et aux Droits de l'Homme pour le Changement bientôt en ligne!

La Tutela dei Diritti Umani presso la CEDU: i Partecipanti al Corso

Marina Silvia Mori, Stefano Giordano, Cristiana Donizetti, Francesco Verri e Valerio Vallefuoco, partecipanti al corso di formazione su "La Tutela dei #DirittiUmani presso la #CEDU", ci raccontano un po' della loro esperienza.

Scopri di più

Beirut Human Rights Week

"Imagine that we understand each other. Imagine that we can live with each other." Koen Vanmechelen at the opening of #BeirutHumanRightsWeek
Thanks to Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth - USJ for hosting such a rich program of events to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
#UDHR70 #GCHumanRights #GCArabWorld