#IEODAYS Participants' Voices

Karuna Raju Sirra (Chief Electoral Officer for the State of Punjab in India) says that the Training Seminar for International Electoral Observers is very useful because you can analyse elections worldwide as well as the international standards, and you learn which are the good practices to adopt.
Listen to the participants’ voices of the latest #IEODAYS  www.eiuc.org/ieo

Training for International Electoral Observers: Participants' Voices

We asked to the participants if the Training Seminar for International Electoral Observers was useful.
Nathaline Etomaru, Commissioner at the Electoral Commission Uganda, says: "This time I’m able to guide my local observers, and brief them on the code of conduct expected both locally and internationally”
#IEODAYS www.eiuc.org/ieo

Why Human Rights Education Matters

Why Human Rights Education Matters
Come and meet us at Spinelli Building, European Parliament during the #HumanRightsWeek
European Commission - Development & Cooperation - EuropeAid

La Tutela dei Diritti Umani presso la CEDU: i Partecipanti al Corso

Perché frequentare il nostro corso sulla Tutela dei Diritti Umani presso la #CEDU?
Ecco i pareri di chi torna ogni anno!

Non perderti il Corso Classico che si terrà dal 14 al 17 febbraio 2019
Le iscrizioni sono aperte  www.eiuc.org/cedu

Interview with Judge Paul Lemmens - Moot Court

We need to “create a climate in which #HumanRights are understood by everyone as being their rights, and I see it is a task for civil society and academia to invest more in showing what is the day-to-day importance of human rights for all of us”
Paul Lemmens, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, is part of today's moot court and, together with Prof. Koen Lemmen, Dr. Chiara Altafin and Dr. Wiebke Lamer, will come up with a judgement.
#GCEurope #GCHumanRights #PR #GCHumanRightspress
Global Campus Europe Students

In addition to the Regional Masters, EIUC/GC organises two seminars for Italian lawyers on #ECHR titled "La Tutela dei Diritti Umani presso la #CEDU" Learn more at www.eiuc.org/cedu