Interview with Frans Viljoen - Global Campus Africa

"The new edition of the #GlobalCampusVisualContest looks at LGBTIQ+ persons and how they are presented in the media, the stigmatisation that is still attached to people who are members of sexual minorities”
Watch the interview with Frans Viljoen - University of Pretoria #GCAfrica

The contest open to students, alumni, professionals and amateurs photographers
Learn how to participate
“Free and equal in dignity and rights: images of the everyday lives of LGBTIQ+ persons” #StandUp4LGBTQRights #LoveIsLove #LGBTIQ #GCHumanRights
Global Campus Alumni Centre for Human Rights

Interview with Henriette Geiger, Director of People and Peace, DEVCO

"The idea to have young, dedicated, well-equipped human rights professionals to go out in the world and work for international institutions, for governments, or as activists, to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms is more important than ever in a world of shrinking space for democracy and human rights. That’s why we are so proud to be part of this project”
Henriette Geiger, Director of European Commission - Development & Cooperation - EuropeAid, at the Graduation Ceremony of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, 2017/2018
#GCEurope #GCHumanRights #HumanRightsEducation #PR #GCHumanRightspartnerships

Graduation Ceremony of the European Master in Human Rights

Graduation Ceremony of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, 2017/2018 
#GCEurope #GCHumanRights #HumanRightsEducation
Global Campus Europe Students

Hauwa Ibrahim: message for #GCEurope students

"The #GCHumanRights is and amazing space, you are in a beautiful country, you are in a wonderful city, enjoy every moment of it. But beyond your enjoyment you are here for a purpose: to make the world a better place. Each of you has something to give, do not underestimate the power of one and the power of you together as a cohort. So I encourage each of you and you as a group to have a purpose."
Hauwa Ibrahim, #SakharovPrize Laureate, during the Ceremony for the Awarding of Diplomas of the “European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation” Academic year 2017/2018
Global Campus Europe Students Global Campus Alumni

The Global Campus of Human Rights

The Global Campus of Human Rights is an EU-funded global network of universities based on cooperation between the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) - the network’s focal point and umbrella organisation - and seven Regional Programmes which are based in Venice for Europe, in Sarajevo/Bologna for South East Europe, in Yerevan for the Caucasus, in Pretoria for Africa, in Bangkok for Asia-Pacific, in Buenos Aires for Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Beirut for the Arab world.