Vade Mecum open edX
29 Mar. 2019
This vadecum is intended to be used a base for the course hosted on EIUC/Global Campus open edX.
- Texts
- Links
Media Embeds
Files and Folders
Copy/Paste from Word to open edX
- Copy the text from Word and paste it into double check the flags and hit convert to clean html
- Click on Copy cleaned html to clipboard
- On the backend (AKA Studio of open edx) select Raw HTML as the content for the Unit
- Click on EDIT to obtain the code window
- Finally paste the sanitized code from clipboard and hit Save
IE [Hate Speech and Hate Crime]:
<p class="subtitle_page_programme">Hate Speech and Hate Crime </p>
Missing part and/or attention needed
Whenever you find some texts missing or some incomplete part it will be nice to use the appropriate class so it can be double checked easily
<span class="themissing">Freedom of expression on Internet:</span>
Article quotes and/or tables
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table-articles">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<a name="_Hlk524902982">
Art. 17 Right to property
1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and
bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. No one
may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the
public interest and in the cases and under the conditions
provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being
paid in good time for their loss. The use of property may
be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the
general interest.
2. Intellectual property shall be protected.
The Title of the table is done with an anchor tag
<a name="putanamehere">Art. 17 Right to property</a>
Ordered/Unordered Nested Lists
Ordered Lists
IE of ordered list
<ul class="number_list">
Alphabetical Lists
IE of alphabetical list
<ul class="letter_list">
Unordered Lists
IE of Unordered list
<ul class="lista_con_pallini">
Nested Lists
IE of Unordered list
<ul class="lista_con_pallini">
<li>List of Lists
<ul class="lista_con_pallini">
Link Name
The A element defines an anchor.
You can create a link to a named anchor by using the name attribute (or the id attribute).
When linking within the same document, the A element is set as follows.
<a href="#Anchorname">linked text</a>
(Target point)
<a name="Anchorname">a named anchor</a>
CSS Classes
Usually you would not use a class for the anchor tag, but it may happen that you want to use different color for specific regions:
<p class="titolo_gc_europe">EUROPE</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_south_east_europe">SOUTH EAST EUROPE</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_caucasus">CAUCASUS</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_africa">SOUTH AFRICA</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_asia_pacific">ASIA PACIFIC</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_latin_america">LATIN AMERICA</p>
<p class="titolo_gc_arab">ARAB WORLD</p>
Media Embeds
Usually you will have to embed different kind of media: Images, Videos, Podcasts and Files.
Every hosting has it own set of rules, that can change in time so take this instructions with a grain of salt. The vade mecum will be updated regularly and will take changes into account: if you find some code not working please promptly report it ^_^
MONK (TL;DR the solving problems script)
Monk is a quick tool lets you easily paste a shareable link from gdrive and obtain the code to be used on open edX for:
- Single File
- Single File Landscape
- Single Folder - Grid View
- Single Folder - List View
- Browseable Folder
- Upload your file to GDrive
- Right click on the file from Gdrive and click on Get shareable link
- Paste the shared link on
- Choose the type of link you need and click on the SEND button
- Click on the COPY button to get the markup needed on edX
Files & Folders
Single file
- Upload your file to GDrive
- Right click on the file from Gdrive and click on Get shareable link
- Paste the shared link on notepad or wherever, it should look similar to this:
Copy the highlighted part (whatever comes after id=) and check if the file orientation (portrait or landscape):
For portrait file you can use this code and replace the id (highlighted) with the one you've just copied
<div class="box_vertical_a4_container">
<iframe class="box_vertical_a4" src=""></iframe>
</div>For landscape file you can use this code and replace the id (highlighted) with the one you've just copied
<div class="box_horizontal_a4_container">
<iframe class="box_horizontal_a4" src=""></iframe>
Results should look similar to those:
Single Folder
- Create your folder on GDrive (it should contain at least two files otherwise check Single File)
- Right click on the folder from Gdrive and click on Get shareable link
- Paste the shared link on notepad or wherever, it should look similar to this:
Copy the highlighted part (whatever comes after id=)):
For grid view (when there're few files) you can use this code and replace the id (highlighted) with the one you've just copied
<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:600px; border:0;"></iframe>
For list view (when there're many files) you can use this code and replace the id (highlighted) with the one you've just copied
<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:600px; border:0;"></iframe>
Results should look similar to those:
Multiple Browsable Folders
- Create your folder with sub-folder(s) on GDrive
- Right click on the folder from Gdrive and click on Get shareable link
- Paste the shared link on notepad or wherever, it should look similar to this:
Copy the highlighted part (whatever comes after id=)
<div class="box_horizontal_a4_container">
<iframe class="box_horizontal_a4" src=""></iframe>
</div>Result should look similar to this:
Single file
- Upload your file to GDrive
- Right click on the file from Gdrive and click on Get shareable link
- Paste the shared link on notepad or wherever, it should look similar to this:
Copy the highlighted part (whatever comes after id=) and check if the file orientation (portrait or landscape):
For portrait file you can use this code and replace the id (highlighted) with the one you've just copied<img src="" alt="image_description" />
Result should look similar to this:
IE podcast to be embedded
1. Click on Share button and then on Embed:
2. Copy the code for classic Embed [second option]
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>
3. Paste the code on open edX:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>
Youtube is the video providers for the online courses because of its deep integration with edX.
To correctly post a video from youtube to edX you should have: URL of the video and it subtitles
How to get the subtitles
- Login to youtube (username and password were delivered by email)
- Go to this link
- Click on the title of the video you want to embed
- Click on the left menu Transcriptions
- On the right side click on the English Automatic translation
- On the new open window click on actions and select SRT
- Download the subtitles and be ready to upload it to edX
How to get the Video URL
- Login to youtube (username and password were delivered by email)
- Go to this link
- Click on the title of the video you want to embed
- Click on the right side copy video URL
Embeding on edX
- As the unit content select Video
- Once the unit is loaded click on EDIT
- While on the default edit tab please paste the youtube url
- After that click on Upload New Transcript
- Click on Save [Left bottom Corner]
IE video to be embedded
1. Click on the 3 horizontal dots and select Embed:
2. Copy the code starting with <iframe ...:
it should be similar to this:
<iframe src="" width="560"height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden"scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
3. Code to be pasted in open edX [the only part to be kept out of the copied code is the highlighted src attribute]:
<div class="video169_container">
<iframe class="video169" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
IE video to be embedded
1. Click on the chevron select Copy link to Tweet:
2. The URL should be similar to this:
3. Code to be pasted in open edX [the only part to be kept out of the copied URL is the one highlighted (video ID) which has to be modified accordingly on the code below]:
<div class="video169_container">
<iframe class="video169" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
IE video to be embedded
1. Click on the paper ariplane Share button:
2. Copy the code for Embed:
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="">Global Campus Human Rights Journal - Viljoen</a> from <a href="">EIUC - Global Campus</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
3. Code to be pasted in open edX [the only part to be kept out of the copied URL is the one highlighted (video ID) which has to be modified accordingly on the code below]:
<div class="video169_container">
<iframe class="video169" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
IE Survey to be embedded
1. Click on the paper ariplane Share button:
2. Click on Web Link 1
3. Click on Copy
4. Replace the highlighted src with the copied one
<p><iframe src="" height="500px" width="100%"></iframe></p>
Google Forms
IE Survey to be embedded [
1. Click on the SEND button and the choose the embed icon:
2. Copy the Code on Embed HTML
3. Replace the highlighted src with the copied one
<p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe></p>