AI’s chilling impact on child sexual abuse material: A wake-up call for the international community

Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) remains a pressing concern, and accessible AI tools generating hyper-realistic content exacerbate this digital crisis, endangering children, obstructing investigations, and undermining legal certainty and effectiveness of laws. It is time for global awareness of AI CSAM’s alarming implications.



Louder for the people in the back: Small voices need to be heard too

Adults get to exchange opinions at conferences. Children do not have the same opportunity to express themselves. Nevertheless, they deserve to get a child-friendly seat at the table, have a say and be heard. Their perspectives might be different, but that might make it even more valuable.



‘Open doors’ for empowering voices and understanding the most critical issues

Among the pressing human rights challenges for Europe as discussed at the FRA Forum 2024 under a valuable cross-generational perspective, it is worth highlighting insights on election impact, civic space promotion and protection, as well as digitalisation and AI impact.



Introducing Curated #6: EMA students’ reflections on conversations about ‘rights in motion’

Welcome to our sixth Curated series, which provides a space to reflect on conversations developed in the context of the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 in relation to various issues concerning some pressing human rights challenges of our time and the significance of preparedness to overcome them.



From Chipko movement to global youth climate movement: Understanding it in the Indian context

The global youth climate movement faces significant challenges, including criminalisation and lack of support from the governments, yet it remains resilient. It is worth exploring India, with the world’s largest youth population, in relation to the youth climate movement at the intersection of right to participation and climate justice.



Child participation: an advocacy tool for the rights of children from de facto states

Child participation is an effective tool to advocate for the rights of children residing in unrecognised or de facto states. In acknowledging the importance of meaningful child participation, it is worth calling for further endeavour for research on the rights of children in de facto states.



How does the right to respect for private life protect the child born in surrogacy? Findings in ECtHR case law

Surrogacy is becoming a more and more popular way of having offspring. The lack of proper standards of children’s rights in national law raises the risk of their violation. It is worth looking at how relevant monitoring bodies have addressed such a challenge.



Key human rights judgments give Balkan states necessary push to end discrimination against Roma pupils

The European Court of Human Rights recently delivered two important judgments ruling that overrepresentation of Roma pupils in schools in North Macedonia and Albania was prejudicial, subtly lowering the threshold for finding this type of segregation discriminatory.



Georgia’s deinstitutionalisation of state childcare must ensure quality alternatives which put children first

The state is responsible for ensuring the wellbeing and rights of children placed in alternative care. Any misconduct by caregivers must be immediately identified and responded to promptly and appropriately. It is crucial that children have a voice in decision-making.



Free school meal in Croatia: its importance as a universal entitlement

From January 2023 all children in primary schools in Croatia have the right to a free school meal following the government’s decision to introduce it from the second semester of 2022-2023 academic year, thanks to the Initiative ‘Every Child's Right to a School Meal’.
